Learn the top income earner secrets to build a life changing residual income you can retire on.

Panel 1

Maecenas placerat lacus sed lectus. Quisque lorem tortor, gravida sit amet, ornare a, interdum id, urna. Suspendisse massa est, dictum eu, vestibulum et, ultricies id, dolor. Vivamus turpis est, auctor et, imperdiet tincidunt, sodales vel, nisl. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nunc ligula. Integer tincidunt nibh eget lacus. Proin porta sem ac turpis. Mauris iaculis enim id neque.


Panel 2

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Vivamus porta tortor sed metus. Nam pretium. Sed tempor. Integer ullamcorper, odio quis porttitor sagittis, nisl erat tincidunt massa, eu eleifend eros nibh sollicitudin est. Nulla dignissim. Mauris sollicitudin, arcu id sagittis placerat, tellus mauris egestas felis, eget interdum mi nibh vel lorem.


Panel 3

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Vivamus porta tortor sed metus. Nam pretium. Sed tempor. Integer ullamcorper, odio quis porttitor sagittis, nisl erat tincidunt massa, eu eleifend eros nibh sollicitudin est.


Panel 4

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Vivamus porta tortor sed metus. Nam pretium. Sed tempor. Integer ullamcorper, odio quis porttitor sagittis, nisl erat tincidunt massa, eu eleifend eros nibh sollicitudin est. Nulla dignissim. Mauris sollicitudin, arcu id sagittis placerat.


Panel 5

Vestibulum purus. Duis nec odio. Praesent sed nulla ac nibh luctus bibendum. Pellentesque fringilla, leo et rhoncus porta, turpis nulla sollicitudin ligula, et varius ipsum lectus eget ligula. Donec diam.


Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Wanna Save Money on Shopping Online?

I found a pretty cool site that you can save up to 30% on your online shopping. There are over 1000 stores and a lot of them are big names that you already shop at.

It's free to sign up. All you do is create an account and start shopping. Then you get back a percentage of what you purchase.

Here's the cool part though. If you spread the word and tell your friends then you can earn 50% of what they save too. Not too bad.

Check it out... http://GreenBackStores.com

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Wednesday, August 19, 2009

How to Get More Done in Less Time

I'm going to show you some things you can do right now that will not only give you more free time, but will also help you get more done in less time.

#1. Make a List: get yourself a notepad or dry erase board or anything that you can make a to do list with.

Make your list of priorities at the end of everyday, sometime after you're finished working or before you go to sleep, to write down the top 5 most important things you need to get done the next day.

The number one thing to get done needs to be the hardest or the one you don't want to do the most. This is critical. Getting this out of the way early, sets yourself up for an easier day.

Treat all of your priorities like a promise to yourself. Don't procrastinate. During the process of completing your to do list, there's a few things you need to remember.

#2 Eliminate All Distractions: Make sure no one is bothering you. Especially if you work at home, people are more likely to keep you from what you're doing, so put a note on your door or whatever it takes, but make sure they know that this time is important to you and you're not to be bothered.

Also, limit how often you're checking your email. Once in the morning and afternoon is sufficient. Anything not on your list isn't important and you shouldn't be thinking about it.

#3 Be Well Rested: Now, a to do list is important, but it's not more important than making sure you're well rested.

Army research has indicated that sleep is a "combat multiplier". They say, getting more sleep allows the soldier to get a much greater amount of work done in a shorter amount of time. If the same soldier is forced to work longer with less sleep, he will get less work done than his counterpart working shorter hours and getting more rest.

Similarly, the tempo of e-business is break neck and it's getting faster rather than slowing down.

To prepare yourself for this pace, it does us well to take the military's advice. Get more rest, work fewer hours, take small breaks every couple hours and the hours you do work will be more productive.

So, let's recap.
Write down your to do list the night before, with the hardest thing being at the top of the list. Eliminate all distractions and stay well rested.

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Friday, August 14, 2009

Multiple Streams of Passive Income Into Your Sales Funnel

I'm about to educate you on why list building is so important and show you a simple technique to create multiple streams of passive income that 95% of network marketers don't even use.

You'll hear every single successful internet marketer tell you that the money is in the list. This is true. But, that doesn't mean you can't make money if you don't have a list. It just means that you have to start building your list. And, you don't have to wait until you have thousands of contacts before you can start making money. You make some money through what's called a sales funnel while you're building your list.

Let me explain...

There is a simple tool that will EDUCATE your prospects automatically so you don't have to manually keep sending people the same information.

You have COMPLETE CONTROL over what your prospects get exposed to.

And you can literally promote absolutely anything you want, as long as it would be valuable to your prospects.

This tool is called an autoresponder. Hopefully you know a little about it, because this tool is a network marketers best friend.

Now lets get to the good part.

With this autoresponder, you will be making money off of the people who DON'T even join your primary business.

Yes, you do want to promote your business, but the main thing you want to do is build a relationship with the people on your contact list. You will set up your emails to send them valuable information, training, resources, and any additional information you want to expose your prospects to.

But, if you want to build trust and gain customers that buy from you repeatedly, then you have to show them valuable offers. People don't care about the next best thing or longest living biz opp. They want someone to show them how to market their business online and make some money. Period.

Read that again. If you don't get this point, then go find something else to do.

BE A LEADER and promote services, tools and things that really help people make money. This is called affiliate marketing. And when you implement this into your autoresponder, you're creating multiple streams of passive income on top of the money you're making by your initial promotions of your primary business.

That's the lesson for today, so now I'm going to do some promoting of my own.

If you want a FREE marketing system that has all of these strategies already set up for you with multiple streams of income that will allow you to still promote your primary business then find out the details at my website....

Not only that, you'll find a free report that spills the beans on the top earner secrets that most network marketers will never know about. All at no cost to you.

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Thursday, August 13, 2009

Easy Way to Promote GDI and Any Other Online Business

Are you looking to promote your GDI business? How about another business opportunity? Please keep reading to find out how you can get you very own free marketing system to promote up to 3 different businesses...all at no cost to you.

My name is Dustin Bird and I'm a full time network marketer and I know what's it's like to struggle in this industry. If you don't have someone explain to you in depth exactly what it takes to make real money, you're dead in the water. I was lucky enough to have a mentor expose me to a system and show me exactly what to do and how to do it.

Did you know that 97% of people in the network marketing industry are spending more money than they're making?

I don't know how true that number really is. But, what I do know, is that the remaining percentage of people are the ones who have figured out how to make money online. These 3% are continuing to feed off the ones who haven't figured it out.

How can that number be so lopsided? And, why are there so many people continuing to start their own home businesses if that's true?

Well, for the most part, the reason people are spending more than they're making is because the way they go about their marketing is all wrong. People are being taught strategies that were used decades ago.

One thing about mlm (multi-level marketing) is that it's designed to bring LONG TERM residual income. So the people who have had success with mlm, it took them a long while to build their downline to create the residual income that they have. So the strategies they used to build this downline might have worked way back whenever, but they don't work now.

The problem is these people are still teaching these strategies. Hey, they worked for them, so that's what they know. I'm sure you've heard of them. Cold calling. Making lists of your friends and family. The 3 foot rule, where you talk to everyone around you about your business. Inviting people to seminars.

These are old school techniques, that just don't cut it anymore.

By the way, I'm not in the 97% group, so pay attention, I want you to learn the top earner secrets.

I want to share with you a little about how to have success and I want to assure you that YOU CAN DO IT TOO!

Please get your free New Rich GDI Report and learn what the top earners know.

You'll be taught everything you need to know about promoting your GDI business or any other and be given access to the free marketing system to promote with. This is the easiest thing ever to make money online. I've used systems like this in the past that cost me $50 a month to use. This is totally free. Get yours now.


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